Slots Video

Slott Gladiator

Gladiator Slot Reviżjoni

Gladiator is a 5 reel 25 payline slot game that is powered by Playtech – it’s based on the epic Gladiator movie which stars Joaquin Phoenix and Russell Crowe – Russell Crowe doesn’t appear in the slot game though due to image rights we can only assume. Gladiator will appeal to all sorts of budgets as you can play for as little as 25p a spin to a whopping £1,250 a spin at the top end. There’s a 5,000 coin jackpot which you can trigger by getting 5 Emperor (Joaquin Phoenix) symbols.

Inti se tara klipps mill-film attwali wisq li huwa tajjeb - hemm 2 karatteristiċi bonus ewlenin li inti żżomm konjizzjoni. L-ewwelnett, fuq il-karatteristika Gladiator Bonus - tista 'tibda dan meta ikollok 3 simboli Elmu (selvaġġ) fuq ir-rukkelli 2, 3 u 4 (it-3 rukkelli tan-nofs). Imbagħad tara karatteristika klassika 'Pick Me' b'9 elmi fid-deheb, fidda jew bronż. Il-premjijiet offruti jvarjaw sa 5 darbiet is-sehem totali tiegħek. Int ikollok tagħmel 9 fisien u għalhekk possibbiltà ta 'sa 45 darba l-ishma tiegħek offrut.

The next bonus feature and the best one is the Coliseum Bonus feature – you can activate this by getting 3 Coliseum scatter symbols anywhere across the reels. This is the free spins feature where you need to pick stones to reveal your prizes. The first row will reveal your free spins amount and the second row will reveal the multiplier amount. The third row will reveal extra scatter symbols and the fourth will display extra wild symbols.

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Tista 'wkoll tqajjem 3 spins żejda billi tikseb l-Imperatur fuq rukkell 3 - b'kollox, tista' tikseb sa 24 spins b'xejn b'multiplikatur 3x. Is-simboli żejda selvaġġi u scatter jistgħu verament jagħtu spinta lill-potenzjal rebbieħ tiegħek ukoll. Kelli xi rebħiet kbar fil-karatteristika Coliseum Bonus meta sibt scatters u wilds żejda u nagħmel slot tajjeb ħafna minkejja li tnediet ftit snin lura. Bħala riżultat tal-popolarità tiegħu, dan huwa slot Gladiator Jackpot li huwa identiku iżda b'element ta 'jackpot progressiv li jista' jagħmlek miljunarju immedjat.

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