Vampare Lixen Slott
Slots Video

Vampare Lixen Slott

Vampires are a classic horror theme, and horror-based slot logħob are plentiful. It is only logical that Endorphina would also create horror games, and The Vampires is an invitation to get better acquainted with the famous nightly creatures.

Dawk li għandhom qalbhom ħażin għandhom jaħsbu darbtejn qabel ma jidħlu fl-univers tal-Vampiri! Jew għall-inqas tinsiex it-tewm u l-kurċifissi tiegħek, għax żgur ser ikollok bżonn dawk kollha jekk qed timmira lejn il-jackpot.

Ejja nirrevedu f'aktar dettalji x'inhuma l-aħjar modi ta 'taming The Vampires u tisraqilhom it-teżor waqt triqtek.

Merħba fil-Manor

Probabbilment ma tistennax li l-ħlejjaq għatxan tad-demm jgħixu f’dar regolari, u jkollok raġun. Il-logħba sseħħ fi kripta antik, fuq lejl bil-qamar sħiħ.

Il-kripta tad-dawl tal-qamar hija mimlija dettalji makabri bħal statwi bla wiċċ u kranji umani, flimkien ma’ kolonja ta’ friefet il-lejl li jtiru b’mod ominjuż minn mit-tieqa solitarja.

Il-mużika hija diskreta u stramba, l-akkumpanjament perfett għal film tal-orrur. Oqgħod attent għall-effetti ħsejjes extra creepy wara kull rebħa, jistgħu startlek għall-ewwel. B'mod ġenerali, l-iżviluppaturi għamlu biċċa xogħol tajba biex waqqfu d-dekorazzjoni.

Lista ta' Kontroll tal-Kaċċatur tal-Vampiri

Qabel ma jidħol fil-lair tal-monsters, kaċċatur tajjeb għandu jiżgura li hu jew hi qed jipprepara bis-sħiħ għal dak li qed jaħbat fid-dlam.

Therefore, use the Coin icon in the top left-hand corner to setup your preferred coin value (between 0.01 and 5 credits per coin). There are 25 paylines in The Vampires, spread across five reels. That is plenty of potential ways to win, but it is ultimately up to you to decide how many paylines to bet on – use the side tabs to do so. The up and down arrows at the bottom of the screen are there to let you adjust the amount of your wager itself, before you hit the Spin button and hope for the best. Combinations of symbols on an activated payline trigger a corresponding cash prize, and in such even you can also click the Take Risk button to play a simple guessing game against the computer and try to double your win. Pick a card with a higher value than the computer’s, and you will be twice as rich as before! Beware though, as a single mistake will make all your stash disappear.

Ara wkoll  Maġġuri Moolah slot ħielsa

Fl-aħħarnett, tista 'wkoll tuża l-funzjoni Auto biex tħalli l-logħba tieħu r-rota u timħatri fuq diversi spins in fila; dak huwa l-mod perfett biex tgawdi logħba bla interruzzjoni u eċċitanti.

Iltaqa 'mas-Sidien

Ejja nagħtu ħarsa aktar mill-qrib lejn it-tabella tal-ħlas ta’ sodisfazzjon kbir ta’ The Vampires. Hemmhekk issib tmien simboli bażiċi differenti.

We begin with some Holy Water, a Revolver (probably loaded with silver bullets), a Stake and a Hammer, followed by a heavy-looking Bible. The perfect basic weapons for any vampire hunter, you would be a fool no to keep an eye out for them as you play.

The last four basic symbols are the vampires themselves, starting with a Brunette, a Blond and a Red-Haired. Do not be fooled by their looks, they are dangerous creatures! Dracula tops off the menu, with a 500x reward for a five-of-a-kind combination.

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